Development of a forecast database using SAS software for the UK Border Agency.
Recalibrating the payments under the passenger performance regime for the Office of Rail Regulation in partnership with Arup. |
Assisting JDA Software create a business case for implementing a revenue management system for Japan Rail East. |
Identifying potential areas for improvement against right-first-time delivery KPIs for BT in association with CVL. |
Development of management information reports for the Automobile Association using SAS software. |
Development of an Operational Capacity Model in Microsoft Excel for the Ministry of Justice in association with Atos Origin.
Associate statistician and model developer with Soltek Group for ad-hoc project work. |
Performance analyst assisting Virgin Group and Stagecoach Group in their joint bid to operate the InterCity East Coast rail franchise.
Provided a training session in Monte Carlo Simulation for the modelling team at the Office of Rail Regulation and critically evaluated a simulation model developed by them. |
Performance analyst assisting Stagecoach Group in their successful bid to operate the East Midlands rail franchise. Our role involved developing a performance model and informing the bid team of performance related statistics so that potential areas for improvement could be identified.
Safety analyst tasked with providing accurate and informed strategic safety intelligence to the Rail Safety & Standards Board. Our role involved identifying and combining sources of UK railway safety and risk information in order to meet European regulations.
Development of Basel II compliance models using SAS software for Bristol & West, plus a linked tool for producing user friendly monthly reports using VBA macros in Microsoft Excel.
Development of a model to assist the relocation of the NHS Education for Scotland head office in association with Capita Consulting. Significant factors which determine whether individual staff would choose to relocate were identified and incorporated into a cost and risk appraisal tool. |
Assisting Billetts, a marketing sciences company, assess and develop a marketing strategy for Arla Foods.
Creating a whole life cost of ownership model incorporating Monte Carlo simulation in Microsoft Excel for the Ministry of Defence in association with Atos Consulting. The cost model is used across a range of weapon platforms and equipment types within the land, sea and air environments. |
Development of a long-range performance model to assist Virgin Trains with their East Cost Mainline franchise bid. The model incorporates passenger delay minutes (saved or incurred) across a range of proposed initiatives. Total delay minutes were converted into punctuality percentages and average minutes lateness using linear and non-linear regression. |
Analysis and recommendation of a range of commercial forecasting packages for Waitrose to use in forcasting demand for all items at all supermarket branches and warehouses. Our final report included a cost benefit analysis to enable return on investment (ROI) calculations. |
Performing large-scale data analysis and demand forecasting to help develop bespoke revenue management systems in association with Manugistics. The client list included DHL Aviation, Swiss WorldCargo and GNER. |
Statistical analysis of rail performance data and contributing factors to help AEA Technology Rail identify and quantify the major factors which are preventing an improvement in national rail performance. |
Development of a performance model to assist South West Trains with their successful refranchise bid. The model sought to determine the impact of various initiatives on train performance as an aid to deciding which initiatives were worthy of implementation. |
Development of a performance model to assist Arriva Trains with their successful franchise bid. |