Company Policies |
Environmental Policy
We are aware that our operations have an effect on the environment, however minor.  As a consequence we are committed to further minimising our impact on the environment through a process of continual improvement.
In particular Andalus Solutions will:
(i) | Meet and where appropriate exceed the requirements of all relevant environmental legislation; |
(ii) | Promote recycling and the use of recycled materials, while reducing the consumption of raw materials wherever possible; |
(iii) | Minimise waste in all our operations; |
(iv) | Invest in improved energy efficient products and minimise our total energy usage; |
(v) | Dispose of all waste through safe and responsible means; |
(vi) | Reduce our contribution to the creation of greenhouse gases by utilising greener forms of transport wherever practical; |
(vii) | Work with our suppliers and customers to minimise the environmental impact in their dealings with us; |
(viii) | Promote an eco-friendly environment within our surroundings; and |
(ix) | Conduct an annual evaluation of our performance in meeting these particulars. |
The company directors are fully committed to the implementation of this policy.
Signed: | Andrew Eaves |
Position: | Managing Director |
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Health and Safety Policy
Our statement of policy is:
(i) | To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities; |
(ii) | To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety; |
(iii) | To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment; |
(iv) | To ensure safe handling and use of substances; |
(v) | To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees; |
(vi) | To prevent accidents and causes of work-related ill health; |
(vii) | To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and |
(viii) | To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals. |
The company directors are fully committed to the implementation of this policy.
Signed: | Andrew Eaves |
Position: | Managing Director |
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Employment Policy
Andalus Solutions Limited aims to be an equal opportunity employer, and has a policy for this purpose. This policy covers all aspects of employment, from vacancy advertising, selection recruitment and training to conditions of service and reasons for termination of employment.
In order to ensure that this policy is operating effectively (and for no other purpose) we maintain records of employees' and applicants' racial origins, gender and disability. Ongoing monitoring and regular analysis of such records provide the basis for appropriate action to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of opportunity.
Our long term aim is that the composition of our workforce should reflect that of the community. Targets will be set for groups in the community that are identified as being under-represented in the workforce. Where necessary, special steps, as permitted by the relevant Acts of Parliament, will be taken to help disadvantaged and/or under-represented groups to compete for jobs on a genuine basis of equality.
The managing director is responsible for the effective operation of this employment policy.
Our Policy
In regards to vacancy advertising, Andalus Solutions will ensure:
(i) | vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and externally; |
(ii) | steps are taken so that the knowledge of vacancies reaches under-represented groups internally and externally; |
(iii) | that whenever appropriate, vacancies will be notified to job centres, careers offices, schools, colleges, polytechnics, etc., with significant minority group rolls, as well as to minority press/media and other organisations; |
(iv) | all vacancy advertisements will include a short statement on equal opportunity. |
During selection and recruitment, we will ensure:
(i) | selection criteria, including job description and employee specifications, will be kept under review to ensure that they are justifiable on non-discriminatory grounds as being essential for the effective performance of the job; |
(ii) | that wherever possible, more than one person must be involved in the selection interview and recruitment process, and all should have received training in equal opportunities; |
(iii) | wherever possible, women, minorities and disabled persons will be involved in the shortlisting and interviewing process; |
(iv) | reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies will be recorded. |
We will take positive action on training, promotion and conditions of service:
(i) | under-represented groups will be encouraged to apply for training and employment opportunities; |
(ii) | wherever possible, special training will be provided for under-represented groups to prepare them to compete on genuinely equal terms for jobs and promotion, although actual recruitment to all jobs will be strictly on merit; |
(iii) | wherever necessary, use will be made of lawful exemptions to recruit suitably qualified people to cater for the special needs of particular groups; |
(iv) | wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary or unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or under-represented groups. |
Maintaining personnel records:
(i) | in order to ensure the effective operation of our equal opportunity policy (and for no other purpose), a record will be kept of all employees' and job applicants' gender, racial origins and disability; |
(ii) | where necessary, employees will be able to check and correct their own record of these details - otherwise, access to this information will be strictly restricted; |
(iii) | such records will be analysed regularly, and appropriate follow-up action taken. |
In general terms, the objectives of this employment policy are to:
(i) | ensure our company has access to the widest labour market and secures the best employees for its needs; |
(ii) | ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment, and that, wherever possible, they are given the help they need to attain their full potential to the benefit of the company and themselves; |
(iii) | achieve an ability-based workforce which is in line with the working population mix in the relevant labour market areas; |
(iv) | ensure full compliance with the relevant Acts of Parliament as well as the various Codes of Practice, including the Race Relations Act (1976), the Sex Discrimination Act (1975), the Equal Pay Act (1970) and the Disability Discrimination Act (1995). |
The company directors are fully committed to the implementation of this policy.
Signed: | Andrew Eaves |
Position: | Managing Director |
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